Tuesday, October 13, 2009


To ALL you CHD parents and CHD adults out there: Do you have ANY questions that you were pondering my experiences with my CHD journey? ANYTHING!?!? If so, ASK it and I will answer them ALL and write up a post! =D Mind you these are my experiences and opinions only, I'm not a doctor and ALWAYS ask your childs (or your) cardiologist. I just know that doctors can't answer everything and get inside of the head of someone who has been there and done that.

So, if you have a question or questions either leave me a comment or e-mail me at (just delete the spaces in my e-mail address... I had to do this to keep from computer robots sending me spam): lceleskey 87@ gm ail.com

I came up with this idea when I was reading a CHD mom's blog about her CHDer might not be able to every ride a roller coaster. Now, I am NO DOCTOR, but to the surprise of many of you... I HAVE ridden a roller coaster! Actually, I've ridden almost all of the roller coasters at Ceder Point more than once! My cardiologist told me that I could ride most of the coasters, but the day I come off having chest pain is the day I'm never to go on one again. Well, I rode my first one when I was 13 and rode my last when I was 20. Honestly, I could have never gone on one and would have been fine, but what can I say I'm a dare devil in my own right haha. PLEASE KNOW THAT NOT EVERY CHD CHILD CAN RIDE A ROLLDER COASTER, THE ROLLDER COASTER QUESTION SHOULD BE POSED TO THE CARDIOLOGIST AS EVERY CASE IS DIFFERENT!!! I was just stating that it IS possible IF they are in GOOD heart health and the cardiologist says it's OK!!!

Considering I'm a one ventricle fix (though I'm a three chamber heart... that's how they use to do the Fontan) with a classic Fontan Pillation (old version). I've been quite surprised at what I can do... my cardiologist sure did surprise me with telling me I could ride a coaster... blind faith I guess, but I was doing VERY well and he DOESN'T tell everyone!!... EVERY CASE IS DIFFERENT, EVER KID HANDLES THEIR CONDITION DIFFERENTLY NO MATTER THE DEFECT!!! With that being said... BRING ON THE QUESTIONS, I DARE YOU!!! LOL!!!

With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,


  1. What a GREAT idea Lauren! You know that I always look forward to getting your messages and words of encouragement. You always know how to make me feel "normal" when I am having one of those days!

    So....I HAVE to ask some questions.....here we go!

    1) What was the one thing that bothered you the most as a child growing up with a CHD?

    2) When did you realize that you were different from the other kids (as far as your limitations go)? I am sure that your mom did an excellent job letting you know of your condition and limitations but when did it really hit you?

    3)Any advice that you can hand down to us heart moms on how to help our kids better understand their limitations as they get older?

    Can you tell what my concerns revolve around? :)

    Also...thank you for pointing out that all kids are affected differently by the same condition. Some parents think that because one child can do something that another can. It doesn't work that way since they all handle their condition differently.

    Thanks again!

    Stefenie, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan Jacks

  2. Thank you for creating this blog. I just found it and it has been so helpful! I am the mom of a one month old daughter, Hope, that was born with HLHS.

    I have a couple of questions:

    1. Do you remember anything from the surgeries when you were younger?

    2. Has God always played a large role in your life?

    3. Do you plan/know if it is possible to have children?

    4. I would like to know if your brother ever resented or felt left out because of your heart condition. I have two boys and I often worry about how Hope's heart condition will affect them.

    Thank you for answering my questions and also for sharing your life. It is inspiring and VERY helpful.


