Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Midway Through August...Insurance Update

So, I went down to Children’s hospital last week Friday (2nd time going down there) to get some more medical records, specifically of my two open heart surgeries and some recent stress test results. Well, medical records couldn’t help me too much as they said all records before 1993 were destroyed!!! I was freaking out because I needed my surgical records. I was upset! Plus, she they didn’t have any recent stress tests results SO up to cardiology we went. We waited and waited for someone to help us. While waiting I started talking to a mom in the waiting room who happened to work for Blue Cross Blue Shield and knew about that young adult insurance that I wanted to apply for and pay 112dollars a month for it. She told me that I can’t get denied or turned down for it because of my heart condition, so that was good to know. Anyways, we finally got stress tests results for the last two recent stress tests. I read through them and guess what?!?! The moron who wrote one the reports got my CHD wrong on the paper and in the other results they got my height wrong by 10inches!! What morons I swear! Ugh!

So, I still wanted to talk to someone about my surgical records because I KNEW they could NOT have been DESTROYED!!! Alas, the person who would know was on a lunch break so I gave them my number and left the hospital. On the way home I get a phone call from the nurse who could help and she said my surgical records had NOT been destroyed!!! I knew it it!!! They were filed in the cardiovascular surgery record department and she told me that medical should have known that and should have told me that! UGH!! SO, yesterday I called the surgical record department and talked to them. They said they would have my records ready by the time I go down to pick them up. GREAT! Yay! SO, again my bf and I go down to Children’s Hospital. We get there and guess what?!?! The record paper is so thin (it was typed on onion like paper, that’s what they did back in the 70-90s) and when they were copied you couldn’t see the writing. SO, after about an hour of trying new things, they were able to scan the documents’ on a computer and send them to me by e-mail. The records are light, but readable. I actually read through both my surgeries… see the records document from what they did from beginning to the end of the surgery, so quite interesting. Well, I found out that they messed up my name on the 1st surgery records (for my PA Banding), my name was Lawrence. HAHA! Anyways, I also found out that I had my 1st surgery in Feb. 0f 88 not Dec. 87. Lastly, the VSD I mentioned I just found out I had, well I’ve had it since birth along with my Tricuspid Atresia… interesting. SO, despite ALL the frustrating getting the documents, I FINALLY have them… I just need to copy them and send them off so I can get a hearing date. Prayers are still appreciated. I’m praying and keeping my fingers crossed.

Other than that life has still been crazy busy for me. I celebrated my 22nd birthday with my family this past Saturday. My birthday is not really till the 25th though. I have a lot of things going on. My mom is having another garage sale this week and school is coming up on Sept. 9th. I’ve been blessed to continue to stay healthy. I got a new haircut last week! So, I’ll post again soon with new pictures along with a bday/life/CHD Awareness inspired update! I’m still keeping SO many in my prayers!

**I’m still accepting pictures and information for my 2nd CHD Awareness Montage for another week as I’m planning on posting it on my birthday along with an inspired update and pictures of my new due. So, if you still want to be part of the Montage this I what I’ll need:

-picture or pictures of your CHDer… a hospital picture and a happy picture would be great, but whatever you can send it fine with me-you child’s name, birthday (and angel date if they have passed), and CHD
You can e-mail me at: Sweeetie2516@aol.comA HUGE Thank You for ALL of you who have already sent pictures and information!!! It means A LOT to me!!

Again, Thank You SO much for ALL of the messages of support, prayers, and e-mails… they ALL touch my heart! =D Sending BIG **Heart Hugs**!!!

With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,

1 comment:

  1. I recently read my surgical report as well. It's almost TMI in some ways - but I did find it kind of interesting as well. I had no idea how much goes into the process of the surgery and what they check for, look at, etc. during and after.

    That being said, I have learned my lesson after this year, never to look up your new diagnoses until you have spoken to your doctor in person in a calm and rational state.
