Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quick Update on Me and NEW Technology!!!

Hi everyone!

Sorry it’s been awhile since I last updated, but here is what has been going on:

I called my cardiologist last week for a few things that have been bothering me. I’ve had a few episodes of very fast heart rate (SVT’s). It happened like 3-4times and my heart rate would get up to the mid 100s, but after a few minutes it would go back down to my normal which is 80-85bpm. Now, I take medication for my SVT’s already, have for years, but a low dose and they said there may be a time I need to up my dose and I wanted to know if this was the time. I also had a 2-3 small 1min episodes of weird heart rhythms, which kind of scared me a little bit. I have also been having some pressure on my chest on and off for over a month that two doctors have told me it was allergies, but I wanted to see what my cardiologist thought. So, with that this is what he said:

-Since the SVT’s aren’t frequent and are non painful, the no need to up my medication at this time, but keep an eye on it.
-The few very short weird rhythm episodes do not warrant a holter monitor at the moment, but if they get frequent and painful, then it will.
-He believes the on and off pressure is also allergies and suggests I try some of the allergy medication that he suggested. If it doesn’t help, then we will discuss further. I’ve actually had this problem before and got checked out and nothing was wrong with me, so 99% sure it’s allergies.

I’m happy with what he said and it made me feel better. I’m feeling great, just hot as the weather here in California has gone up! Finally! I’m drinking lots of fluids and keeping the air on! California summer is here! I’m bracing myself! That's about it for me. I'm doing well, working on my CHD Awareness video and waiting to get my CHD Awareness bracelets so I can post my PayPal. BUT before I go Check out below:


WE have NEW technology coming out SOON that will help in CHD Awareness and dection!!

Take a look at this: It's called the General Electric VScan mobile ultrasound

Here is a video about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3w6fbT7rY

This device is going to be much cheaper then a regular ultrasound machine, about 1/50th of the cost, that means hospitals could scan newborns with this to check for CHDs and the price of the test would be way cheaper! Now we just need to get the government and hospitals to implant the idea of using to scan for the World's Number One Birth Defect and Killer, but I know my tight CHD Community is going to come up with something so this small device saves LOTS of lives! I'm excited about it!

Ok, that's it for now! Plass on the information about this device if you can and start thinking about how to get it in your hospital to scan for CHDs.

Thank you everyone for the much heard prayers, messages of support, and e-mails. It ALL means so very much to me! Please know I'm praying for so many in the CHD world!

With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,

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