Thursday, January 21, 2010

Words From My Mom!!!

First, many of you may have seen these words on Carepage: SillyJilly07, but I wanted to post them myself to. Thank You Joy for sharing my Mom's words of wisdom and thank you to my Mom who always knows what to say when it comes to my CHD.

Words From My Mom:

For the CHDer's Mommies: You MUST NOT dwell on your childs condition......this will eat you up emotionally and physcially! Learning what COULD happen should only be used as learning tool......not to dwell only think POSITIVE thoughts, raise your child as normally as possible.....encourage them to try new things and above all, teach them to LISTEN to their bodies and communicate their difficulties in words........Stay Strong so that your children will too.
My Mom... Don't I look alot like her? (I think so)

Quick Update on Me:

I'm doing ok. I've had some anxiety issues lately, but I'm getting through them ok. College is keeping me crazy busy with 5 classes!... I'm stressed and tired. As for my blood results, they came back ok, I'm going to send them to my cardiologist to see if he is ok with them and I'll let you all know. No future appts. for my yet, but I'm trying to make a GI appt. and a Dentist appt. (yea haven't been to the dentist in 4yrs.... oh no). As for my CHD Awareness Montage, it will be posted in about a week or so. For those of you who sent pictures and info, THANK YOU!! There are still a few ppl I need to get an e-mail to about answering a questioning for my Montage for those who didn't answer it yet. Anyways, look for the Montage soon!

Thank You for ALL the much heard prayers and messages of support!!! As always they mean alot to me!! You guys are like a second family!! Thank You for following my journey!! I'm sorry I haven't been commenting lately, school and life have been busy, but please know I pray for ALL of you and think about you too!!

Thank you for ALL the prayers for the kiddos who had open heart surgery!! All 4 of them are doing well!! Two are now at home! =D

Until Next Time...

With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,

P.S: For those who live in the Metro-Detroit Area in Michigan. I will be speaking at the "Its My Heart" support meeting at 7pm at the Royal Oak Senior Center on Jan. 25th!!!


  1. Good to hear you are doing well. Keep up the good school work! :)

  2. Everyone should attend this most blessed and informational event!
