Thursday, December 3, 2009

Been Busy! Quick Update!

Well, there is only two and half more weeks left in my college semester, then I get a much needed three week break from school. I've been busy, busy, busy! Thanksgiving was wonderful! I got to see my niece, Lily, for the first time since her birth in early October! She is getting so big already! I'll have to post pictures when I get them uploaded... I'm so behind on uploading pictures, I'll have to do a post on pictures during break.

I've been doing well (like I said, busy! lol), I'm staying healthy... haven't been sick yet this winter (holding my breathe lol). I've been having alot of anxiety lately (along with stress);I was diagnosised with anxiety disorder about two years ago... which wasn't surprising to me as I've always been a worry wart plus 85% of CHDer will experience/have depression and/or an anxiety disorder in their lifetime... sadly, that statistic is not surprising to me. Anyways, it is not easy to control the anxiety as sometimes you don't have control over the feelings! It can be really fusterating for me and I don't like the feelings. I can usually control it and most of the time I'm fine, but then out of know where it sneaks up on me... I've had a few times where the anxiety was so bad it turned into a panic attack (haven't had one in months though), which are not fun. So, I've been dealing with lots of unknown and known anxiety lately. I'm doing ok today though.

I continue to thank God for the positives in my life and to help guide me through the negatives. My amazing boyfriend, Chris, and I's 1st Anniversary of dating is on Monday! I can't believe how fast, yet slow, the year went. I will post a small update all about my boyfriend soon! ♥

Before closing, I would like to ask for a few prayers:

1) My mom is having minor surgery on Monday morning. That is all I'd like to say about it right now. She is nervous and so am I. Please, pray everything turns out ok and God gives her strength at this time. She has wonderful support from her finance so she should be just fine.

2.) CHD kiddo, Logan, is a precious little guy whose parents got some not so good news at his cardiology appointment a day or two ago. He may be facing a third open heart surgery soon than later. Please, pray for Logan and his family (Hang in there Stef!). You can offer support at there blog:

3.) CHD kiddo, Derrick, another precious little guy is facing a second open heart surgery soon. Please, pray for Derrick and his family. They can use support as well:


That's all I've got right now... if you haven't and you have time please check out my recent post How Congenital Heart Defects is My Life. It will be featured on Steve's, an adult Tricuspid Atresia Survivor, blog carnival about Surgeries on Dec. 13.
Also, I have a firstgiving site to try and raise money to a wonderful nonprofit Organization called
Hypoplastic Right Hearts so they are able to fund there Hearts United 2 Conference in Texas in Sprin/Summer next year... I would love to go and reaching my goal would help: also a 20yr. old named Jessi with Tricuspid Atresia has never met anyone with her CHD (or CHD in general) and really wants to go too. She also has a firstgiving site: Please, check out the sites, but you ARE NOT OBLIATED to give money!!! I'm just sharing information with all of you! Please, don't feel like you have to give something, I KNOW how bad the ecomony is right now! Thank You!!! =D

Sending you ALL LOTS of WARM **Heart Hugs** and prayers. As always, "Thank You" for all the wonderful support! I'm ending the post with a recent picture of my niece, Liliana, courtesy of my future sister-in-law Ashley (love the pictures she takes of my niece!).

Isn't my niece, Lily, just adorable? =D

With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,

1 comment:

  1. Lily is ADORABLE!!

    Hoping that your semester ends well and you're able to take a break and relax soon. I always hated the end of the semesters in college. I was SO glad when they were over, but it was cram time...everything due, exams...ugh! :) I have to say I'm so glad I'm finished with that chapter, but sure thinking about you as you push through. It will be over before you know it though, and it'll be just a memory! :)

    Thanks for the prayers for Derrick. It means so much to us to know people are praying for him! Thank you!! We'll definitely be praying for your mom too.

    Big heart hugs and prayers,
