Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lots of Tidbits!!!

As for me getting Health Insurance, I got a letter in the mail last week about my Medicaid. Ready to hear this?... I got DENIED!!! Yes, I did!! As frusterated and angry that I was I called the person on Medicaid caseworker (who is different from the person who helped me get my papers together) to talk to her. She said she could not help me, all she could do was tell me why I was denied and what I can do about it. SOOO WHY WAS I DENIED?!?!? Well, the Mediciad Company looked at ALL my medical records they recieved and agreed that my heart and back issues will NOT last MORE than 90days and that I should be able to get full-time employment!!! EXCUSE ME!?!? Last time I checked my CHD was a chronic illness and my scolisis will never get any better. SOOO, what I have to do is fill out papers that I recieved yesterday stating that I would like a hearing infront of a judge to appeal their decision to deny me Medicaid. I will get a hearing court date in 2-3months! Yup, you heard me right! I also e-mailed my Cardiologist about the situation and he is writing a letter on my medical behalf on why I need Health Insurance to I can give it to the judge the day of my hearing. On top of that, I have to cancel my Cardiology appointment AGAIN!! Looks like I would see him till the end of this year, at best!! I pray my hear health continues to do really well!! Please, pray for me. And if anyone has any tips or advice that I could use, please let me know. Thank You for letting me vent and keeping me in your prayers!!

In other news, my summer continues to be crazy busy. My 22nd birthday is fast approaching and I can't believe another year has gone by, but I reflect on that more later. I have been relaxing and enjoying it as much as I can (I'm getting over a small cold as of right now though nothing worrisome), but I've also keep getting thrown stressers that I'm trying to handle the best way I can. If it's not one thing, it's another... such is life. My boyfriend, Chris, and I have been enjoying are time together as we know it will be less when the Fall Semester starts. I just continue to be grateful for everyday even though it can be hard as everyday doesn't turn out so great.

A few nights ago I watched a movie called “Something the Lord Made” which is a movie based off true events on how the first open heart surgery to save “blue babies” like myself came about. For those who don’t know, the first open heart surgery done was the BT Shunt. It is a very intense, but touching movie that I recommend CHD parents, CHDers, Non CHD parents and CHDers alike to watch. I was tearing up at the end and it made me reflect on how far science has come as well as how grateful I am that one doctor decided to find a way to save CHDers when everyone else wrote us off as doomed.


That's about it for right now. I continue to pray for SO many families!!! I Thank You ALL for reading my blog, the prayers, and the messages. They mean alot to me!!! =D

Don't forget about my CHD Montage request:

**My CHD Montage Request:**

I'm still in need of pictures for my new CHD Montage. If you'd like to be apart of it I'll need:- A picture(s) of your child (or you)... any kind you want it fine.- Your child's (or your) name, birthday (and angel date if they passed), and CHD

-You can e-mail me at: Thank You!!! =D

Until next time... May God Comfort, Guide, and Bless you on your Journey!!!

With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Aww that sucks sweetie. :(
    *BIG HEART HUGS* & Prayers!!! I hope and pray that everything works out and you get health insurance!!

    OMG Alan Rickman is in that movie *drools* & his voice *guh* LOL

    I miss you!
