So... Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving Everyone!!! =D

With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,

It wasn’t till the summer I turned 16 where my health changed for me; it was a turning point so to speak. I broke out into hives all over my body for no reason early one morning and I was so scared. I remember going from doctor to doctor and even my cardiologist, getting my blood taken, getting my heart looked at, everything to find out whatwas wrong. I was in so much pain because the hives were on my joints too and it was hard to move. Finally, after three months of steroids, being off my heart medications, and being watched 24/7 the hives went away and to this day no one has a clue what happened. From then I realized that anything can happen and I was so grateful and blessed for what I have. I held onto my faith in God, but there were times I questioned everything (and I still do sometimes), but I try to find peace. Since then life has not been easy for me, but it certainly can be worse and I don’t take a thing for granted.
Every day I have little reminders that I have a CHD; from my scars to my medications to my on and off pain to getting tired easily. They remind me that each day I’m ever so blessed and grateful to be alive. These reminders also keep fear with me, fear of the unknown and worry, things that are so hard to push completely out of my mind. This CHD has impacted my personality in many ways. My CHD has helped in my very emotional personality, my stubbornness, my bluntness about things, my kindness, and my care for others. It has taught me to be more understanding of people around me, has taught me not to take life for granted, to love the people you care about with all you heart, and to enjoy the simple things in life. It has given me a motivation to help others and to always have faith. I’m thankful for my life; I’ve been very blessed in so many ways. I have two amazing parents who have done SO much for me over the years to bring me to this point in my life, the fought so hard to get me here healthy and happy. For that I will always be internally grateful to my parents, I love them SO VERY much!! I also have a wonderful family including two grandparents, two brothers, and a niece who I love dearly!! I also have an amazingly husband, named Christopher, whom I love so much!! I have big plans for my future and though I have a tendency to think negatively, I’ve been trying my hardest to think more positively!
In December of 2011 I graduated college with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology!! I’m SO proud of myself!! I finished college just a day after getting married to my loving, amazing, and supportive fiancĂ©, Christopher. We had just a small courthouse wedding with no rings as we were tight on money, but it is the marriage and love that is important. We celebrated our one month wedding anniversary January, 21, 2012! We are so much in love. Chris is my best friend and the most supportive person ever. Chris accepts me for who I am and not my heart condition, he is always by my side through anything. I’m very lucky and grateful to have him!! At the end of December 2011 after graduating college and getting married, we moved from Michigan to California (cross country in the US) for a job that Chris got. We are finally settled in and doing well.